Sleepy Essential Oil Blend


For years, I had the worst insomnia. I would go days without hardly any sleep and would literally feel like a zombie.

When I discovered this oil blend in particular, needless to say I had my doubts. I tried everything up to that point that I could think of to help relax my body and brain with hopes of getting some sleep. I figured what the heck, what can it hurt?

I don’t know if I can cuss on here, but holy shit!

I’m not sure what magic was needed to create this, but I’m so glad it came into existence!

The first time, I could literally feel my body unclenching and my head stopped spinning in circles, and the over the course of the next few nights, I got more and more sleep until eventually, I was able to have a normal sleep schedule again.

But it also helped with the quality of sleep I got.

It also helps on days where I’m extra stressed and need some Zen time. This oil is always a go to when I need some relaxation and destressing.

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